Experiential learning resources for the innovative educator
We currently find ourselves in a very unique situation. Never before have we been required as a society to operate entirely by computer. Of course being confined to the home is not ideal for any experiential educator, but we work with what we have. One silver-lining? The opportunity to work on 21st-century skills such as adapting and problem-solving. As a reminder, experiential learning is doing; learning through experience. The experiential learning activities are hands-on, personalized, relevant and applicable to real-life, and self-directed (click on "experiential learning" in the archives for more details). That is the key during quarantining; "student-directed". Many parents are trying to simultaneously hold down their jobs and home educate their children. What they need is for their children to be able to work independently with a little guidance here and there. Project-based learning, inquiry, problem-based learning, and STEM all promote experiential thinking, and these are the resources I provide. I have been in the process of converting many of my resources to digital. I provide a printable and digital option for each resource. The digital option is the same as the printable, but it can be assigned, personalized (by students), and shared via Google Classroom. The resources listed below each include a digital option. High School Experiential Learning Resources to Use with Google AppsTo fast track to all of my digital resource, click here. If you are looking for something in particular, peruse the listings below. Click on the title to get to the resources. I convert more resources to digital each day, so check back often. Scroll to the bottom for free resources. Self-DirectedTool Kits: The following tool kits provide all of the templates necessary for an unlimited number of self-directed learning experiences. Each includes printable and a Google Classroom version. Project-Based Learning Tool Kit Maker Project Tool Kit Problem-Based Learning Tool Kit Scientific Open Inquiry Tool Kit Tool Kit Bundle Project-Based Learning These PBL resources focus on a specific theme. The templates included help guide students through the project design process and project execution independently. For open-ended projects rather than those that already have a topic in place, check out the PBL tool kit mentioned above. Plan a Trip Around the World Psychology Project Biography Project Epidemics Career Exploration Science Resources: I am technically a life science and environmental science teacher, so a lot of my resources are about science. So, although a good chunk of my resources would be considered in the sciences, the following are the only two in the sciences that are currently available for use with Google Apps. I will continue to convert more over the next few weeks. Inquiry Bingo: Earth Day Climate Drivers Inquiry Activity The first three freebies are great supplemental activities that go well with self-directed project-based learning, especially helpful for those that are new to the process. The last one, College Exploration, goes well with a couple of my other college and career readiness, particularly Career Exploration, which is also Google Apps compatible.
Interest Survey Project Topic Brainstorming Activity Start a Project: PBL Cheat Sheet College Exploration Activity I hope you find some of these resources useful during this crazy time! As always, if you have any questions about experiential learning in ANY learning environment, including home/remote, reach out at experientiallearningdepot.com Follow Experiential Learning Depot on Pinterest and Instagram for more on experiential education Observe. Question. Explore. Share.
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Blog IntentTo provide innovative educational resources for educators, parents, and students, that go beyond lecture and worksheets. AuthorSara Segar, experiential life-science educator and advisor, curriculum writer, and mother of two. Categories
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