Experiential learning resources for the innovative educator
In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, educators and parents are scrambling to find distance learning resources that are easy-to-implement, free, and are more or less student-directed, especially when it comes to teens. Of course there are the obvious online tools such as Khan Academy, but that can get a bit dull really quickly. If you want to mix things up, check out my collection of go-to websites for secondary students. My background is in 9-12 life science, particularly ecology, wildlife, and conservation. I will start by adding my favorite teen life-science websites. Many of these organizations have really stepped up and are offering free memberships as long as schools are closed. I will continue to add more online learning resources daily or as they come up. If you know of distance learning websites for middle and high school students that you'd like to share, please do so in the comments. I'd love to get a lengthy catalog going. Note: This is not a place to sell or promote your products. If you comment with a personal product it will be deleted. FREE online learning websites for teens only. Thank you! Distance Learning: Free Educational Websites for TeensDistance Learning: Free Life Science Websites for TeensScience: 1) Smithsonian Learning Lab: An incredible collection of distance learning lessons and resources. https://learninglab.si.edu/distancelearning and https://www.si.edu/learn-explore 2) Cincinnati Zoo: Home Safari Facebook Live animal show and activity https://www.facebook.com/events/2996522950406952/ 3) San Diego Zoo: Virtual tours and live webcams https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/live-cams 4) Dallas Zoo: Behind the scenes and educational videos Look for #bringthezootoyou on Instagram and Twitter 5) Shedd Aquarium: behind the scenes videos of animal care Follow @shedd_aquarium on social media. 6) Oregon Zoo: Behind the scenes videos on social media @OregonZoo 7) Monterey Bay Aquarium: Live webcams https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/animals/live-cams 8)Explore Live Webcams: webcams on animals in the wild https://explore.org/livecams 9)Science Mom: She posts new lessons and science demonstrations daily since schools have closed. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-QcZISbFb9EiIEQ41cVhxw 10) The Kid Should See This: Love this website. There are thousands of videos on a variety of topics, but the link below is specific to science. https://thekidshouldseethis.com/tagged/science 11) National Geographic Education: 9/12 remote learning resources https://www.nationalgeographic.org/topics/middlehigh-school-resources-remote-learning/?q=&page=1&per_page=25 13) BrainPOP: Great resources with ways to demonstrate learning like coding and making movies. Free membership during school closures. https://www.brainpop.com/ 14) Coursera partnership with American Museum of Natural History: From my understanding kids and/or educators can take up to three free classes. This link will bring you to science options. https://www.coursera.org/amnh 15) Citizen Science Projects: If your students are still able to go for walks outside, citizen science projects could be a good option. There are many that could be simply be done in a backyard or courtyard. Students can also design and start their own citizen science projects on some of the websites listed below. Here are some of my favorite project catalogs:
***Checkout this post that I did a while back with more citizen science options. 16) Mel Science: She has an Instagram handle, @melscience, where you can find videos of chemistry experiments. The link I've provided below goes to her library of chemistry experiments, many of which can be done at home. Mel Science chemistry experiment video library Mel Science is also offering free online science classes for kids of all ages as long as schools are closed. https://melscience.com/US-en/academy/ Free Distance Learning Websites for TeensArt/Theater/Dance: Stages Theater Company Free Virtual Theater Activities: Specific lessons for 9-12 https://www.stagestheatre.org/beyondthestage/ Skills Share! Loaded with art and design tutorials by professionals https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2020/03/social-distancing-skillshare/ Creative Bug: Online art and craft classes. It’s free for now. https://www.creativebug.com/classes Kutovakika Lessons: Free photography tutorials https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIsbMfuxGOKQyA7R0XwGYmJ3yVD8GZffC Google Arts and Culture Carson Ellis Quarantine Art Club: This is pretty neat with a bunch of daily art prompts posted on the blog. You can also check out the Instagram handle for videos and sharing potential @carsonellis https://www.carsonellis.com/blog The Metropolitan Opera: Nightly live stream performances for as long as coronavirus closure. https://www.metopera.org/season/radio/free-live-audio-streams/ Reading/Writing/Lit: Stimola Lab: Kid and young adult authors live stream about their books. https://www.stimolalive.com/ Movement/Physical Activity: Yoga with Adrienne: Some teen-specific sessions. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFKE7WVJfvaHW5q283SxchA Do Yoga with Me: Hundreds of free meditation, yoga, and pilates classes. https://www.doyogawithme.com/ @afrocontigbo on Instagram: She streams live dance sessions @thevibe_dancefitness: streaming on Instagram All/Integrated: Scholastic Learn at Home: Lots of great free resources, lessons, magazine articles, etc. https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome/grades-6-12.html Wonderopolis: Cool inquiry site. Questions asked and answered by kids. https://wonderopolis.org/ New York Times: The Times is offering free access to high schools during this time. https://www.nytimes.com/initiative/highschoolaccess Free Courses: Open Culture keeps a massive database of free online courses provided by University instructors from “Film” to “Intro to Bio” to “Design”. The options are endless. This would be great for kids that would otherwise qualify for PSEO. http://www.openculture.com/freeonlinecourses Follow Experiential Learning Depot on Pinterest and Instagram for more on experiential education, and check out my TpT store for experiential learning resources.
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1 Comment
3/24/2022 02:16:28 am
I very much appreciate it. Thank you for this excellent article. Keep posting!
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Blog IntentTo provide innovative educational resources for educators, parents, and students, that go beyond lecture and worksheets. AuthorSara Segar, experiential life-science educator and advisor, curriculum writer, and mother of two. Categories